It’s A Hawt Thursday

Today is haircut day, so I walked to the barber shop, and got that cut. I love it. It put a little spring in my step, but man did it get hot and humid something quick-like. I felt like a hot mess getting back home, feeling slick and shiny. Haircuts make me feel so darn refreshed in a good, attractive kind of way. I need new clothes to go with this feeling. LOL I have no money for new clothes. A guy can dream until he gets some spending cash, right?

Speaking of dreams, yesterday I produced four new pages for the novel. This will be the end of a chapter, I think, or the start of a new one. It kind of established some things I didn’t see in the outline-which is the bare bones of the story. For one, I got to understand how the character feels, what ails him, and what makes him stronger. I also got to see who was on his side vs who had come and gone. I think it is important to know what’s on the character’s mind after some harsh events. It actually changes how I feel about him.  I didn’t hate the character, although I did put him through some things. I simply empathize a lot more with him.  How dare he do that to me!

I have to be honest, I don’t know if I could have written him the way I did if I had this kind of empathy from the start. I might have adjusted the story so he’d be in less trouble, and I have a long ways to go as far as completion, so I guess I don’t feel too sorry for him, cause more stuff is gonna happen. I love, ya, main character, but if we met, you’d likely beat the stuffing outta you for putting you through your paces.

So today I don’t know what I’ll write, but I want to keep up the pace. So today’s goal: More story. Get it done. The minimum is two pages. Double the page number means I get to treat myself to something good.

As always, happy creative endeavors.

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